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If you really want to understand who actually The {PARMATMA} is then start searching for any Enlightened Buddha. The Buddha who is already self-awakened and have already enlightened.

Why only Parmatmana??

Search any enlightened Buddha, not The person available in Mosque, Temples, Gurudwara, Fathers and not the person like Sadguru or Shri Shri 1008 and many more. You need that person who is already enlightened and can teach you the right Dharma.
Search any enlightened Buddha who only talks about Right Dharma. Neither talks about mantra nor tantra, puja , prayer etc rather who only teaches you how to get enlightened.

If you really want to know what is the right Dharma you need to find any enlightened Buddha who actually seen the {PARMATMA}, who teach you the right Dharma. Because no one can teach you unless and until he already gets enlightened. So the one who already gets enlightened, is the one who can teach about the Right Divine, you should search The Parmatmana who already gets enlightened.

The enlightened Parmatmana , can teach you the right path and the right door as he already found that path. He can take you to the gate of God by holding your finger and as today Parmartmana has found the path. He himself has reached, wants to teach the same path to reach that divine.

If you think that you can get enlightened by reading books. Then you must ask your Dharma Gurus who actually read the books and mug up those books did they actually find The {PARMATMA}. What happened to your Dharma gurus they all have become parrots, but they didn’t find the real divine?

Parmatmana, teaches you the condition of society today is getting worst just because of only one reason which is their in everyone’s mind regarding the religion. Where truth, religion, divine, dharma must exist, only orthodox ideology are left. Some people may carry with Hindu ideology, some with Muslim ideology some with Sikh ideology and many more. Is there anything else??

The real religion is destructed by your Dharma gurus who have misled you in the name of religion. People go to his own Dharma gurus to be religious.

What is Dharma? What is truth? Who is {PARMATMA}? 

This only the real enlightened Buddha can know. The real enlightened Buddha only can teach you and show you the right path.

Someone else’s road like your Dharma gurus tell you will not work, which they are reading from books and guiding you. If the other’s path had worked, you would all have reached it. Crores of people, are following the same path. All are moving through Hindu route, Muslim route, Sikh and Christian route, but how many of you have reached.

Today Parmatmana has discovered a new door. Parmatmana is already enlightened. Parmatmana wants to teach you the right path to get enlightened. Today Parmatmana, can lead you there, as he is available. In case Partmanana, is not available there is no other enlightened Buddha who guide you the right path rather your Dharma Gurus will misled you in wrong way.

Just like the previous doors are closed when years back few Buddha came and gone and their position has been taken by your Dharma Guru who are misleading you showing the wrong path and still you didn’t get enlightened.

If you really want to get enlightened go to Parmatmana, as he will teach you how to get enlightened for that you don’t have to do as puja, prayers, mantra, tantra, yagya, and so called religious rituals. As Parmatmana leave, again your so called new Dharma Gurus will come and start with new shops selling products, idols etc and again they will start misleading you.

As long as live Buddha is available in front of you, hold it and follow the right path who teach you to get enlightened.

Once any Buddha will go from this world, again someone will say that Parmatmana came into the night and he asked to make another Dhyanam lingam. Again a new story, 15000 years old will be fabricated in front of you and someone will misled you, will waste your wealth as well as your time. 

You will find the idols of Parmatmana in every shop but not the single idols are alive. As only the self awakened Buddha only can show you the right path and the truth and the real Dharma.

As Parmatmana is alive today, if you really want to get enlightened you just have to follow the right path which Parmatmana wants to teach you and wants you to get enlightened.

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