Nirvana And The True Power Within Oneself

Nirvana: You must have heard the word a lot of times!

But do you know what is Nirvana? Well, if you are looking for the exact meaning of Nirvana, let’s understand what Parmatmana has to say about it.

It’s astonishing how we all grew up in a society believing in the ultimate destination, the end of our life journey by achieving salvation. Even when we have different religions, different teachings, and even different words, they always point in one direction, which is the attainment of liberation.

It is believed that true liberation can only be achieved after a person dies and his soul is free from all worldly pleasures.

Salvation And Religious Beliefs

Every religion has its personal teachings regarding what is right and what is wrong. They help by guiding us through different stages of life. However, it is important to question whether the religions are actually helping us or are they creating a group of people who lead their lives in the same pattern as approved by the leader.

In Jainism, obtaining moksha is the only worthwhile goal for a person’s life. It comes before all other goals.

The soul finds its real and unadulterated essence of happiness after it attains moksha. One is freed from the continuous cycle of rebirth and death or the attraction of the universe.

Similarly, in Sikhism, it is called Mukti. The true aim or the absolute way of achieving Mukti is by seeing the god. They don’t believe in collecting power or any worldly possessions.

Lastly, in Hinduism, the achievement of Moksha is possible only by means of being free from all sorts of desires and ignorance. There are four paths designed that lead to Moksha.

But the most important question here is how can we believe in salvation or Moksha if we have to die to experience it? Nobody has seen this ultimate destination, but somehow the religion expects us to follow its teachings without understanding the deeper truth behind this.

What Is Nirvana?

Parmatmana explains, that Nirvana is a state of realization where the person attains true enlightenment. It is believed that the ultimate level of personal achievement in life is nirvana, a mental space in which all suffering, resentment, selfishness, and longing vanish.

Whenever there is an internal awakening, the person comes to terms with reality. Parmatmana also explains that the process of achieving nirvana includes a great deal of sacrifice. A person must sacrifice his family and loved ones, his earthly possessions, and his emotions such as anger, lust, and love.

The question we need to ask is how do we believe in the ultimate destination of achieving moksha if we have to struggle through life in the present to achieve Moksha?

What Is The Actual Nirvana?

Paramatmana has more to say about Nirvana. He says that before dying, liberation must be felt. If liberty is perceived and experienced while a person is still living, then they will also feel it when they pass away.

t is important to realize that our current mental state and any conditions we humans impose on ourselves for the time we are living will all remain with us. We need to understand that all the impressions we had during our time in this world will remain with us after our death as well.

The ultimate nirvana is a series of mental states that the consciousness experiences depending on the vibrations of nature it is emitting while in physical existence.

How To Achieve Nirvana?

Most people come to Parmatmana with the question of how to achieve Nirvana.

Parmatmana explains that true nirvana can only be achieved by realizing the power within oneself. A person must become aware of the unlimited power he holds in their lifetime. The person must have self-realization, awareness, and belief in oneself and their capabilities.

It is about gaining concrete access to the delicate understanding and experience of the all-pervasive force that is one’s Inner Self.

In order to truly achieve enlightenment, we must become awakened from within. The goal is to strengthen our character and personality over the long run, which will help us grow as people.

It’s crucial to realize that Nirvana is a continuity of states that we achieve over our lifetimes as we pursue spirituality rather than a single isolated experience.

As per Parmatmana, A person must alter his attitude, disposition, and mentality for the greater good. These ideas only start to make sense and become relevant to life at that point.

Knowing oneself—your nature, your spirit, your soul, and your consciousness is a prerequisite for achieving nirvana. It involves understanding the relationship with divine power and how it exists despite socially-imposed limitations.

Understanding the body’s limitations will let the person think ahead of them. Recognizing who you are, whether you are in the appropriate location, the purpose of your being, and moving forward with growth is, therefore, the first steps toward emancipation.

Start the journey of attaining true nirvana by applying the process of improvement and introspection both mentally and physically. It shall be understood that Nirvana must be the enlightenment that a person shall experience during their lifetime through his actions, his thoughts, and his growth.

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