Why does Parmatmana say that if temples, mosques, churches, gurdwaras are removed from the world, then the world will become beautiful?

“Believe in yourself.” “Everything you need is already inside you.” “Nothing is dark when you embosom your own light within you.”

You must have heard all of the above-mentioned statements but do we really believe them? Are we actually implementing them in our life? Honestly, no! Either we are following religions blindly or not following at all. 

Parmatmana says, “following any religion, culture and god is about keeping yourself away from your happiness.”

Therefore, if there will be no temples, gurudwards, mosques and churches in the world, the world will become more beautiful. 

There are several reasons why Parmatmana says that, “if temples, mosques, churches, gurdwaras are removed from the world, then the world will become beautiful.”

People Will Stop Giving Judgements

Religion is one of the factors that people use to judge other people. “All humans are the same,” but do we really follow this in our lives? No! Absolutely Not! We all judge people by their religion, cultures and ethics and then decide whether we should actually build relationships with them or not. It is a known fact that we actually differentiate people from their religion, caste, culture and way of living. 

Therefore, Parmatmana says, “if temples, mosques, churches and gurdwaras are removed from the world, the world will become more beautiful than ever.” 

It will definitely become beautiful when we actually start loving each other without knowing their religion, culture and way of living. 

No Wrong Faiths

People take advantage of wrong beliefs!

It is a known fact that some people have started taking advantage of others on their beliefs. Because there are temples, churches, gurdwaras and mosques, there are people who play with the feelings of the devotees physically, mentally and financially.

Since people believe in god, they have a strong belief and which is what some bad people take advantage of. This will become one of the strong impacts on the public if temples, gurdwaras and other worship places are removed from the world. 

Parmatmana says, “we should believe in ourselves rather than believing in a faith that is whether good or not we don’t even know.”

People Will Start Believing Themselves

Parmatmana has a vision to make this world free from all the wrong and fake beliefs, frauds based on beliefs, peace of mind, no religion, culture and more. 

He thinks people will feel free when all the worship places are removed from the world. 

They will actually start believing in themselves and creating more opportunities for a better way of living. Moreover, they will become a generous human being for whom all people are the same without bothering about which religion they belong to. 

The world will become beautiful when you will become beautiful from your heart!

More or less, Parmatmana wanted to have a world of people helping and loving each other instead of judging based on their religion and culture. 

So let’s love each other!

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