
Why does parmatmana say that if these religions were not there, then songs of love would have been sung in the world?

Do you know that over 6.8% of the historic fights were over religion only? Shocking isn’t it? Well, with these statistics, it won’t be wrong to say that religion has always been a major cause of conflicts for ages. But why does it happen? Does our religion need to be saved? To be honest, no […]

Why does parmatmana say that if these religions were not there, then songs of love would have been sung in the world? Read More »

Seeking The Divine Within Yourself

Every human around you is looking for divinity. Parmatmana asks Why to search for divinity around you when it can be found within yourself. With every transformation you go through, you come closer to learning more about yourself. You reach happiness, satisfaction, liberation, awakening, and enlightenment. These can only be achieved through self-realization and self-awareness.

Seeking The Divine Within Yourself Read More »

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