Why does parmatmana say that it is better to save man than to save religion?

Don’t you think religion causes most of the conflicts in the world? Hindus, Muslims, Christians, or Sikhs, everyone is fighting to save their religion. But will your religion save you? Do you think fighting for religion will give you a better afterlife? Will it give you any kind of security or stability in your life? […]

Why does parmatmana say that it is better to save man than to save religion? Read More »

Why parmatmana says that why are you converting a child into a Hindu or a Muslim joker?

I am religious! I am into spirituality! How many of you say this to yourself and the world every day?  But what is the actual meaning of religion or spirituality? Do you know?  Many of us will fail to answer these questions. Do you know why? Because we ourselves have never asked these questions to

Why parmatmana says that why are you converting a child into a Hindu or a Muslim joker? Read More »

Why does parmatmana say that if these religions were not there, then songs of love would have been sung in the world?

Do you know that over 6.8% of the historic fights were over religion only? Shocking isn’t it? Well, with these statistics, it won’t be wrong to say that religion has always been a major cause of conflicts for ages. But why does it happen? Does our religion need to be saved? To be honest, no

Why does parmatmana say that if these religions were not there, then songs of love would have been sung in the world? Read More »

Why does Parmatmana say that if temples, mosques, churches, gurdwaras are removed from the world, then the world will become beautiful?

“Believe in yourself.” “Everything you need is already inside you.” “Nothing is dark when you embosom your own light within you.” You must have heard all of the above-mentioned statements but do we really believe them? Are we actually implementing them in our life? Honestly, no! Either we are following religions blindly or not following

Why does Parmatmana say that if temples, mosques, churches, gurdwaras are removed from the world, then the world will become beautiful? Read More »

Choose Your Ultimate Goal: Successful Business Or Successful Life

Hard work and self-belief are the ways to earn success! When asked: do you want to own a successful business or have a successful life, most of us answered successful life. Well, let’s be honest, the reality is completely different! The irony is most of us equate a successful life with a successful business or

Choose Your Ultimate Goal: Successful Business Or Successful Life Read More »

Seeking The Divine Within Yourself

Every human around you is looking for divinity. Parmatmana asks Why to search for divinity around you when it can be found within yourself. With every transformation you go through, you come closer to learning more about yourself. You reach happiness, satisfaction, liberation, awakening, and enlightenment. These can only be achieved through self-realization and self-awareness.

Seeking The Divine Within Yourself Read More »

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